Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании
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Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании

Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании

Лебедев С.А. Философия науки: Словарь основных терминов. — М.: Академический Проект, 2004. — 320 с. (Серия «Gaudeamus»)

МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ - организация исследовательской деятельности, предусматривающая взаимодействие в изучении одного и того же объекта представителей различных дисциплин. 

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Педагогические науки
Role traditions in formation, education and development of methodological culture adjuncts and graduate students
Kozubtsov І.M. 1

1. Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow (Research Center for Communications and Informatization of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information)


Problem research. In accordance with the approved themes of the research author in scientific articles due to the need for partial solution of scientific problems: clarify the role of tradition in the development, education and development of methodological adjunct culture. The lack of a decision of the partial objectives defined logical continuation of research initiated by the author. In the scientific article the role of tradition in the development, education and development of methodological culture adjunct and graduate students. Traditions accompany the scientific community throughout its history. They are essential elements of its ontogeny and phylogeny. The role and function in the scientific community traditions and attitudes of the supervisors is an indicator of cultural development of students in academic schools. Thus, under the tradition as part of methodological culture can be understood set of socio-cultural, methodological heritage, transmitted from generation to generation of scientific leaders and supported by students of scientific schools for a long period of time. Traditions covering heritage objects (values of different order), the processes of transmission of this heritage from generation to generation, as well as procedures and methods of inheritance. As tradition are the specific social setting norms of behavior, values, ideas, customs, rituals methodology in the field of scientific research. The element of scientific innovation. The novelty is that for the first time said it is in the structure of the object component methodological traditional culture adjunct component. New knowledge about the structure of the object component methodological adjunct culture gives rise clear idea of cause and effect, of traditions on the quality of development. Traditions are concentrated in the Specialized Academic Council; adyunkture (graduate); science education; communication and adjunct supervisor; communication between associate (graduate); during manuscript preparation and thesis defense. Forecast future direction of research is to examine the other components of the object component methodological adjunct culture.

Keywords: methodological culture, graduate student, adjunct, associate, development, role, traditions, education, development.

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