Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании
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Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании

Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании

Лебедев С.А. Философия науки: Словарь основных терминов. — М.: Академический Проект, 2004. — 320 с. (Серия «Gaudeamus»)

МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ - организация исследовательской деятельности, предусматривающая взаимодействие в изучении одного и того же объекта представителей различных дисциплин. 

Социологический опрос!

Считаете ли Вы междисциплинарную науку как отдельную науку в Паспорте специальности ВАК Украины (России, странах СНГ)? Ответьте пожалуйста! Ответ отнимет у Вас только время перехода на новый сайт МАН http://man-ua.edukit.kiev.ua/


Технические науки
Model for assessing the readiness of a communication university in the conditions of cyberac
Kytsayev V. 1, Terestchenko T. 1, Zhovtun A. 1

1. Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information, Kyiv, Ukraine


There are a model of the process of functioning of the information and telecommunication communication center of the information and telecommunication system for special purposes in the context of cyber attacks is considered. The model of process of functioning of the communication center is offered, as a refurbish able system with a limit reliability of the components. The model allows to estimate the state of cybernetic security of main components of the communication center, that it is been: system of cybernetic safety, root router and services that is given by the communication center. The flow of cyber attacks λ at the input and output of the communication center, at the input and output of the root router, and at the entrance to the main services is considered. The estimation of coefficients of vulnerability and security of the communication center is offered from cybernetic attacks. Pre-conditions are created for the estimation of possible time on renewal of the communication center and his main components after influence of cybernetic attacks. The proposed model allows you to effectively configure the protection of the communication node, taking into account the specifics of various classes and types of cyber attacks. There is an opportunity to timely analyze the input stream of cyber attacks λ2, apply dynamic adjustment of the settings of cybernetic equipment, as well as change the organizational measures of the cyber security system of the communication center, while achieving the necessary readiness of the communication center. In the future, it is possible to solve a number of practical tasks, including assessing the losses caused by cyber attacks according to each component of the communication node: the root router, the service s, or the cyber security system itself, which protects the communication node from cyber attacks. Also in the future, it is possible to evaluate the impact on the effectiveness of cyber protection of such parameters as the average time for creating malicious software, the time for updating the technical support, the time for updating the awareness of personnel and the time for updating the vector of organizational measures. Additionally, it is possible to calculate the recovery time of the communication center in accordance with the requirements for the allowable time of inoperability of the communication center without consequences for the command and control system.

Keywords: model, process, cyberspace, service, simple flow, asset, attack intensity, cybernetic vulnerability, cyber security, availability coefficient, recovery time, normal functioning time, information and telecommunication communication center, cyber security system.

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