Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании
Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании
Лебедев С.А. Философия науки: Словарь основных терминов. — М.: Академический Проект, 2004. — 320 с. (Серия «Gaudeamus»)
МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ - организация исследовательской деятельности, предусматривающая взаимодействие в изучении одного и того же объекта представителей различных дисциплин.
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The situation of communication of the client with the psychologist-consultant includes components:
1) Identity of the client and his experience;
2) The identity of the psychologist-consultant (mentor) in unity his samostnykh and functional educations;
3) Relationship between the client and the psychologist. Let´s compare, for example, a situation of the address of the client to the representative of any other profession of system ― person-person: to the lawyer, teacher, doctor, priest, head, even to the waiter. Addressing one and all representatives of other communicative professions, the consumer:
a) Knows what wants;
b) It is informed to some extent on norms of relationship with the representative of this profession;
c) Rather well understands a measure of responsibility and restrictions — the and the professional that addresses.
Let´s tell, the patient understands and in advance accepts an opportunity that the result of treatment does not depend only on qualification of the doctor and his recommendations even in the presence of the most necessary medicines.
Ключевые слова: Process of psychological assistance: duration, stages, psychologist´s position
Библиографическая ссылка
Nazarov A.M. 1 Process of psychological assistance: duration, stages, psychologist´s position // Междисциплинарные исследования в науке и образовании. – 2016. – № 5K;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/mino/185-1534 (дата обращения: